Aug. 23, 2024

VFPs10 – Bonus Episode

VFPs10 – Bonus Episode

In this episode, I speak with you directly, sharing some exciting updates and a sneak peek into what's coming up for season eleven of the Vertical Farming podcast. After wrapping up season ten, I wanted to take a moment to recap some of the incredible conversations we've had with industry leaders like Felipe Hernandez of Hexagrow, Victor Kolkatar of Velis Farming, and many more. Each guest brought unique insights into the world of vertical farming, from urban aeroponics to the innovative use of microgreens. If you missed any episodes, this is your chance to catch up on the highlights and get inspired by the amazing work happening in our field.

I also want to connect more with you, the listener. Your support means the world to me, and I’m eager to hear your thoughts on the show. Over the next few weeks, I’ll be setting up interviews with listeners to get your feedback and learn more about what you enjoy and what we can improve. If you’re interested in chatting, shoot me an email at with the subject line "Let's Chat." Plus, I’ll be teasing some of the fantastic guests lined up for season eleven, including Scott Massey of Anu, Joseph Kamek from Farmbox Foods, and many others.

Stay tuned for more great conversations and thank you for being part of this journey!

Thanks to Our Sponsors


Key Takeaways

0:00 Recap of Season Ten Guests

8:52 Roster of Confirmed Guests for Season Eleven

Tweetable Quotes

"What I want to do is make a podcast more people want. And if I'm being honest, then I know that there are things about this show that I can improve. But the only way to do that is to get your feedback."

"We kicked off season ten with Felipe Hernandez of Hexagrow, and we talked about the rise of urban aeroponics. That was followed by Victor Kolkatar, the co-founder of Velis Farming, who is doing amazing things in Slovakia with saffron, such an exotic crop."

"Episode 132 we spoke to Shlomi Rozell, who resides in Israel, and he spoke about his start in the kibbutz fields to the success they're having with growth tech and what a pioneer they've been in this space."

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Mentioned in this episode:


Indoor AgCon 2025

Indoor AgCon 2025

CEA Summit East 2024

CEA Summit East 2024

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