Vertical Farming Podcast

Disclaimer: you may not want to read all this because spontaneously on a show because I have a lot to include

Thank you so much for all the work you put into producing this show! I have been voraciously listening to every episode and unlike other podcasts I have listened to every episode is unique insightful and makes me want to hear more. As an electrical engineering student in college who is also vegan and passionate about sustainability I have struggled to figure out what sector I want to work in until now. Vertical farming seems like the perfect fit for me and I am so excited about joining this rapidly growing field either as an employee or entrepreneur. After I learn a bit more in school (maybe grad school) and get some experience working on personal projects and working for an automation company I am anxious to dive into the field. From a lot of the interviews I have a listened to, a relatively common thread I keep hearing about is the energy challenge that companies keep running into. I recently watched a documentary called The Need to Grow which partly follows the story of a startup that called Regenitech that solved the energy issue by creating a closed loop soil regenerative system that produces a rich soil amendment and generates enough power to power over 100 homes using soil, water, sunlight, and algae. I highly recommend reaching out to them and seeing if they would be interested in an interview. That might so no or not right now because they are actively trying to expand their network and grow their organization from very much a grassroots framework. Anyway, thank you so much for all the great interviews and for helping me figure out what field I want to go into!

Oct. 2, 2024 by Ian Knight on This Website

Vertical Farming Podcast