Vertical Farming Podcast
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S12E158 Kirk Taylor/Land Betterment - From Abandoned Mines to Thriving Farms: Land Betterment’s Vision

Ever wondered how to revitalize struggling communities while promoting sustainable practices? I had the pleasure of speaking with Kirk Taylor, co-founder and president of Land Betterment Corporation, about their innovative ap...

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Recent Episodes

March 21, 2025

S12E158 Kirk Taylor/Land Betterment - From Abandoned Mines to Thrivin…

Ever wondered how to revitalize struggling communities while promoting sustainable practices? I had the pleasure of speaking with Kirk Taylor, co-founder and president of Land Betterment Corporation, about their innovative ap...

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March 7, 2025

S11E157 Mat Halter/TerraFerm - Transforming Beer Waste into Vertical …

Ever wondered how beer brewing could revolutionize vertical farming? Mat Halter, founder of TerraFerm , is turning brewery waste into a game-changing resource for indoor agriculture. Mat Halter, a plant scientist turned entre...

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Feb. 21, 2025

S11E156 Rick Langille/Harvest Today - Harvest Wall 2.0: Engineering t…

Ever wondered how vertical farming innovations could revolutionize food production and make fresh, flavorful produce more accessible? In this enlightening conversation with Rick Langille, CEO of Harvest Today , we explore the...

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Feb. 14, 2025

Dickson Despommier - A Vertical Farming Podcast Tribute

In this special tribute episode of The Vertical Farming Podcast , I honor the life and legacy of Dr. Dickson Despommier, the visionary who laid the foundation for vertical farming as we know it today. His book, The Vertical F...

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Jan. 24, 2025

S11E154 Jessica Fong/Common Farms - Microgreens and Mega Dreams: Comm…

Ever wondered how to start a vertical farm in a city with limited space and resources? Jessica Naomi Fong's journey with Common Farms in Hong Kong is a masterclass in resilience, innovation, and customer-focused growth. Jessi...

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Jan. 10, 2025

S11E153 Per Lysaa/Intravision Group AS - Gravity Flow: The Secret Beh…

Ever wondered how cutting-edge technology is revolutionizing indoor farming? I've got the inside scoop on the latest innovations that are changing the game. In this episode of the Vertical Farming Podcast, host Harry Duran si...

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Recent Blog Posts

Nov. 29, 2023

From Finance to Farming: Unfolding Jonah Krakmalnick's Success in the…

Once submerged in the frenetic pace of the finance world, Jonah Krakmalnick felt the stirring desire for a more serene lifestyle, more in tune with the rhythm of nature. He was eager to find a more fulfilling career path that would let him follow hi…

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"I began listening to VPF at the start of April 2022 and have been listening to a few episodes/ week ever since. I really enjoy the wide-variety of guest Harry brings on; from well-established players…"

ramon95494 | May 12, 2022

"Found this podcast on Audible via my mobile, but I followed from Podchaser on desktop to complete this review. Thx for the information. I am binge listening on all archived episodes. I am a female fo…"

ceo97539 | Nov. 21, 2022

I highly recommend this podcast

"Living in a country where vertical farming is still in its infancy, I have to say that I have been motivated and spired by most of the interviews that I hear week after week. One thing that clearly …"

MarcosEnriquez | Feb. 13, 2023

It’s got all the goods

"I found this podcast after I had taken a job as the hydroponic research lab manager at a high school. Our school at recently purchased a container farm to serve as a learning laboratory for students.…"

The Real Krugan | Feb. 20, 2023

Great interviewer!

"Good podcast. I was surprised at how interesting it was. The interviewer is uncommonly good. I’ll tune in again cause it’s so interesting!"

Instant_Fan | Aug. 3, 2024

Fantastic podcast

"I’ve really enjoyed these informative but accessible conversations with leaders in the sector. The host seems to have a knack for drawing out lots of interesting information in a very conversational …"

EmilySeward | Nov. 5, 2021

Love the show!!

"I’m new to this space and as I was doing the research, I’ve simply typed in “vertical farming” just to catch some episodes with the topic. It was a surprise to me there was a whole show dedicated to …"

아듄3 | Dec. 10, 2021

"I absolutely love this podcast, I happened to come across this during the quarantine days and this podcast is the reason why I entered into this field. I can't explain it but I just love the conversa…"

Evan | Dec. 31, 2021

Great podcast with key leaders on Indoor Ag

"Really enjoy the guests and the discussions. Highly recommend"

Tyler I hate this app | Jan. 3, 2022


"I have, over the past two weeks, binged every single episode. This is something I’ve been considering for some time but found it hard to find info. Thank-you for all the great I formation and contact…"

Savage419 | Feb. 8, 2022

Disclaimer: you may not want to read all this because spontaneously on a show because I have a lot to include

"Thank you so much for all the work you put into producing this show! I have been voraciously listening to every episode and unlike other podcasts I have listened to every episode is unique insightful…"

Ian Knight | Oct. 2, 2024

S5e64 - Ali Daniali - Growing AgTech by Supporting Small Farming

"While I enjoy this entire podcast, this particular episode stands out as my favorite so far. The conversation was not only engaging and interesting, but I learned many new things and imagine the cont…"

Whit-A | April 24, 2023

"The Vertical Farming Podcast has been an absolute delight to listen to. From the moment I tuned in, I was captivated by Harry's passion for vertical farming and the incredible stories shared by indus…"

lidakokkini | July 14, 2023